HOME Forums BISCUIT When Choosing WAVE in Brain Mode F3 Button is Red

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    Biscuit is absolutely fantastic! I’m sore because I’ve been on the edge of my seat since it arrived…

    I had a question… when turning on the Biscuit and then pressing the Brain button to switch modes and then choosing the “WAVE” option I get button #2 illuminated white, button 4 (F3) and button 5 (WAVE) illuminated in red – all others are off.

    Toggling button 4 (F3) has an effect on the sound created by the waveshaper option. I’m wondering what is going on as the manual says that F3 has no affect in WAVE mode. Did something happen with the firmware upgrades that changed things from the manual?

    By the way, mine is SN 1581, which I assume has the latest firmware installed…

    I look forward to your answer(s) and continued exploration of this marvelous sonic color box.

    Best regards…

    ps. Tomorrow my BIM will arrive


    Well, I thought I’d reply to myself and see if I can be of any help…

    There is a .pdf outlining firmware v1.2 update and the new features it brings to Biscuit.

    See here: https://noisylittlebugger.net/manuals/oto_biscuit_update.pdf

    So, remember there is a deeper feature set than the manual describes.

    Good luck!

    Oto Machines

    Sorry for the late answer.
    Yes, 4 new FXs were added to the 8 standard WAVE effects with the revision 1.2.
    You can access to these 4 FXs with the “4 F3” switch on.
    Pages 36-37 of the User Manual explains the new features of Revision 1.2.
    All the best,


    Hi Denis;

    I really like the new vibrato effect as one of the new 4. However, I am not able to figure out how to select this effect using solely MIDI cc messages.

    http://www.otomachines.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Biscuit-User-Manual.pdf p34-35 explains well how to move between the original waveshaper effects and other features, and I have them working well via MIDI. https://noisylittlebugger.net/manuals/oto_biscuit_update.pdf explains toggling F3 while in brain mode, but the manual doesn’t say how to do that via MIDI cc messages (or I have missed it).

    Please is to possible to access the 4 new FX via MIDI? I am currently on firmware 2.4 in Biscuit mode.

    Thanks for a great product,

    Oto Machines

    Unfortunately, the 4 new FXs from revision 1.2 have no CCs assigned.
    It was a limitation of the Biscuit firmware space (I prefered to put more FXs but without MIDI control).
    All the best,

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