Forum Replies Created
Oto Machines
KeymasterUnder Biscuit mode, check the MIDI filters (see page 28 to 30 of the Biscuit User Manual).
Filter nr 6 is the “receive note” filter. It should be permanently on.
You’ll also have to match the MIDI channel (page 29) of the Biscuit and your DAW.
When it’s set (both channel and midi filters), you can go back to Der OTO mode.Oto Machines
We won’t make Der Mask in the future, sorry !
Der Mask was a temporarly item sold in order to fund the dev of the Der OTO firmware.
You can make your own on a cardboard using the PDF file.Oto Machines
Please do the following test :
1/ set BAM in Relay mode, MIX full left (dry) and ACTIVE off
2/ send a 0 dBu sine to the aux send, set the aux return (or line) channel to 0 dB gain and fader
3/ on your patchbay, plug the aux send directly to the aux return (or line) channel. Check the level (should be 0 dBu)
4/ plug the BAM back and check that you get the same signal, when ACTIVE is on or offIf you have a loss as soon as you plug BAM, how many dB ?
Oto Machines
KeymasterHi to all,
Sorry for the long silence. OTO is still a small 2 people company, and we’ve been very busy with the release of BOUM, and increasing sales of our 3 products.
First, I have to say that we won’t release a reissue or a new version of Biscuit, I’m sorry to disappoint some of you. I prefer to spend my (precious) time to developp and create new products, and I have many ideas I want to test.
In 2018, among other things, I’ve spend a lot of time to listen and study 8, 12 and 16-bit audio and musical products released between 1976 and 1987.
These products were samplers (like the Fairlight CMI & IIx, Emulator II, Emax), drum machines (Emu SP12/1200, Linn LM-1, Oberheim DMX), or FX processors (delays, reverb, pitch-shifter from AMS, Lexicon, Publison, Eventide, Quantec, EMT, Korg, Roland, Ibanez, Bel).
I was lucky enough to try some of these machines in my lab, or going to studios equiped with them. When I had no possibility to listen to one of these, I built a prototype based on the original schematics (only the audio part).
I’ve studied the different 8 and 12-bit converters used in these products, and the techniques to improve the resolution of them (floating point conversion, uLaw ComDAC, analog companding, log + exponential amplifiers).
I cannot really tell you what the next OTO product will be (it’s too early for that), but I’m quite excited about it.
But I give you a small clue : this product could include a very close hardware and software emulation of Biscuit in it, among many other things…
The first prototype is planned for may, and if everything is OK we’ll start the industrial process in september.
DenisOto Machines
KeymasterThe video of BOUM is online !
Oto Machines
Maybe there’s a MIDI Note filter engaged or MIDI channels are not matched between Ableton and Biscuit (clock messages are sent on all channels).
Go to Biscuit mode (4 + 5 + BRAIN) and check the MIDI filters, specially nr 6, Receive note filter.
Should not flash.
You can also set the right MIDI channel.
Go back to Der OTO mode and check if it’s OK now.
DenisOto Machines
Thru mode have no delay at all, so you can’t modulate the pitch with the LFO (but you can use the lowest RANGE setting in normal delay mode for that).
Thru mode was added only for passing sounds to the BIM 12-bit converters, compander and filters without any delay.
About the flashing TAP switch, you now have an option to select-unselect it.Oto Machines
KeymasterYes, the time release is slow for gate -50 and -40 and instantaneous above that.
It’s possible to add a bit of release to the gate parameter above -30 via a firmware upgrade.
Maybe even a release setting on a sub-menu. I will have a look this summer !Oto Machines
KeymasterBonjour !
How many LEDs you see on the VU meter when you send signal to your BOUM ? 5 to 6 should be a good start
Did you set the IN GAIN parameter to position 2 or more ?
With VU meter at 5-6 LEDs (near 0dB), IN GAIN at 0dB, DISTO in BOOST mode, COMPRESSOR at min position, you should get a clean sound when the DRIVE pot is at its min position. Raising DRIVE pot will add a soft distortion before mid position, then a more drastic one.
If it’s not the case, maybe your BOUM is faulty (contact us via support email).
If you look at the diagram (p. 6 of the User Manual), you can see that the compressor is placed before the distortion generator. After the compressor, you have an amplifier set by the DRIVE pot, followed by the distortion generator (4 modes).
If you want a “clean” compressor sound, select IN GAIN 0 dB, BOOST mode, fast or slow attack, mid to long release, DRIVE under 9 o’clock.Oto Machines
Vous pouvez créer un effet de pompe en réglant le potentiomètre COMPRESSOR à midi ou plus, une attaque rapide (1 ou 2) et un release sur 3 ou 4.
Vous pouvez également utiliser l’entrée Sidechain avec les mêmes réglages.
Mais ces réglages dépendent beaucoup du type de sons que vous utiliser et de leur niveau. Vous pouvez obtenir des compressions plus marquées en augmentant le INPUT GAIN.
DenisOto Machines
Sorry for the late reply !
You cannot the filter independently of the Der OTO synth.
THe filter is placed right after the oscillators, and there is no external inputs for the filter.
I guess this is what you’ve figured out.Oto Machines
BAM rev 1.4 was posted today.
It adds the following features :
– CC#18 is now working
– TAP to Pre-delay is working & TAP switch is flashing (TAP to reverb is not working in this revision)
– TAP display on/off
– Thru mode (Pre-Delay, Input Gain, Filters and 16-bit AD/DA conversion)Denis
Oto Machines
The definitive BIM rev 1.3 was posted today.
This revision fixes a bug with MIDI Beat Clock in Reverse mode.A BAM upgrade will be released this week.
It will add the following features :
– CC#18 is working
– TAP to Pre-delay is working & TAP switch is flashing (TAP to reverb will not be fixed in this revision)
– TAP display on/off
– Thru mode
– Maybe a new algo !Denis
Oto Machines
A new revision has been posted on the support (still named 1.3).
This revision fix the Display TAP on/off when using MIDI Beat Clock.
The Rev 1.3 manual has been updated with the following statements :– Reverse : does not work well with MIDI Beat Clock. Please use manual settings or TAP tempo.
– Thru : Rate, Depth and F-Back pots are inactive in this mode.I’m working on a special revision for users with serial number under 300.
Please contact me directly (support email) if you want to upgrade your BIM and I’ll give you more infos and release date.
DenisOto Machines
KeymasterThanks for your feedback, much appreciated !
Thru mode has no delay, and you need a small delay if you want to modulate the pitch of a signal (like a vibrato or a chorus pedal). You can use the normal delay FX with the first range selected, but you’ll get something like 15ms of delay. -